Applications are invited for the contractual appointment of 231 Assistant Engineers on the basis of GATE score at the link Click Here . Candidates are requested to submit Application from 14.01.2025 to 03.02.2025 using the aforesaid link.
Q. What is the objective of Rural Works Department?
Ans. The basic objective of the department is to construct and maintain the rural roads falling mainly in the category of Other District Roads (ODR) and Village Roads (VR). Our vision is to provide Farm to Market Connectivity to all eligible habitations
Q. What are the schemes running in RWD?
Ans. - The schemes running by RWD are:- •Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna (PMGSY) •Mukhiya Mantri Gram Sampark Yojna (MMGSY) •Gramin Tola sampark Nischay Yojna (GTSNY) •State Scheme •Mukhiya Mantri Gram sadak Yojna (MMGSY OLD)
Q. What is toll free number of RWD for Help desk Assistance?
Ans. Toll free no of RWD is 18003456179.
Q. What is PMGSY?
Ans. - Pradhan Mantri Gramin Sadak yojna is a Central government scheme. The primary objective of the PMGSY is to provide Connectivity, by way of an All-weather Road (with necessary culverts and cross-drainage structures, which is operable throughout the year), to the unconnected Habitations in the rural areas, in such a way that Habitations with a population of 1000 persons and above are covered in three years (2000-2003) and all Unconnected Habitations with a population of 500 persons and above by the end of the Tenth Plan Period (2007). In respect of the Hill States (North-East, Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttaranchal) and the Desert Areas (as identified in the Desert Development Programme) as well as the Tribal (Schedule V) areas, the objective would be to connect Habitations with a population of 250 persons and above.
Q. What is MMGSY?
Ans. -- Mukhya Mantri Gram Sampark Yojna runs by state government to provide road connectivity to the population of 250 to 499 in rural areas by constructing roads to their village to connect to all weather road. From any area of state to reached within six hours to capital of Bihar is the dream of the state government of Bihar .In this scheme the population of 250 unconnected tolas is to be connected step wise to All-weather Roads .There are 27 IAP districts in which 28075 Km is to be constructed under Mukh Manrti Gram Sampark Yojna (MMGSY) in next 5 Years .
Q. What is GTSNY?
Ans. Gramin Tola Sampark Nischay yojna,  is one of the seven nischay yojna of the chief minister of Bihar. In this scheme, the population of tolas should be in between 100-249 for connecting road to all weather road. 13786 tolas were identified under satellite map survey and the habitation having population between 100 to 249 are covered under GTSNY. There are 4643 tolas such covering length of the road is 3977.30 km, and road cost of the construction of road is estimated 2220 cr.
Q. How to know contact numbers of RWD Employees?
Ans. You have to visit website and choose the option State wise telephone directory to know the contact no of RWD Employees.
Q. How to download RWD public grievance redressal Mobile Application ?
Ans. Open your play store in your mobile, search RWD complaint redressal System and install it.
Q. How to do contractor registration?
Ans. - Visit the website, select the contractor registration option and fill all the details as per requirements.
Q. How to do e-Tender?
Ans. Go to the website selects the e-Tender option, fill all the details, upload the files and submit.
Q. How to know the job vacancy in RWD?
Ans. - Visit, go to recruitment section then see the notification regarding recruitment.
Q. How to check physical progress status of any Road or Bridges?
Ans. Visit web portal, go to “Progress Monitoring “section then select your report type and select the parameters.
Q. How to check Vigilance related notification?
Ans. - Visit web portal, go to vigilance section then select notification and see the notification regarding vigilance.
Q. What is BRRDA?
Ans. - For the implementation of the programme in the state of Bihar, ‘Bihar Rural Roads Development Agency (BRRDA) was formed on 12-12-2003 under the Society Registration Act, 1860, to provide technical and managerial support to the programme through advice on technical specifications, detailed project report preparation, project appraisal, fund flow and execution, engagement of Quality Control Monitors, management of monitoring systems and submission of periodic reports to the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India as well as the Government of Bihar. This Agency is a compact, professional and multidisciplinary body under direct administrative control of Rural Works Department, Govt. of Bihar. It has a separate office which is well-equipped with communication and necessary facilities. BRRDA has an independent and senior-ranking Additional Chief Executive Officer to oversee the working of the Agency. It focuses on timely accounting and audit of the connectivity programmes. It has an IT Nodal Officer to monitor the updation and accuracy of the data on the central online platform known as OMMAS (Online Management Monitoring and Accounting System) as well as the state MIS (Management Information System). It has a Superintendending Engineer-rank officer to function as State Quality Coordinator (SQC) to coordinate the satisfactory functioning of Quality Management activity within the BRRDA
Q. 14 How to register complains against Contractors or RWD Roads/Bridges/Culverts construction and maintenance related or on any RWD administrative matter?
Ans. – whenever you feel any difficulties or bad performance about any contractor/s, who is/are related to RWD, or on matter of road/Bridge constructions and maintenance or on matter of any RWD Administrative job, You can send a complain to us by following ways. 1.By our Mobile App – a.Download our Mobile App from Google Play Store “RWD Complain Redressal System”. b.Now Install in to your Mobile Device. c.Now Open it. d.Click on Register Complaint Option. e.Now you can enter your personal Information and Complaint Information. f.Finally submit it and get Unique ID as a reference for your registered complaint and further status checking. 2.By our official web portal “” a.Click on “Submit Complain” Button. b.Now Install in to your Mobile Device. c.Now Open it. d.Click on Register Complaint Option. e.Now you can enter your personal and Complaint Information. f.Finally submit it and get Unique ID as a reference for your registered complaint and further status checking. 3.By make a call on our Toll Free Number 18003456179. a.Call on our Toll free Number 18003456179. b.Provide you personal and complaint related information to the Help desk executives. c.Get Unique ID for further communications. 4.By Physical visit to RWD offices at HQ and Division Level. a.Visit to Divisional office or Head office of RWD. b.Write an Application about your complaint or contact to Official head. c.Tell them about your complain Information. d.They will register your complain by our Web portal. e.Now you will get Registration Unique ID on you registered Mobile and Email Address for future references.
Q. How to track status of your registered complain?
Ans. - You can track status about your registered complaint by following ways. 1.By Mobile App – a.Down Load our Mobile Application. b.Open It. c.Click on “View complain Status” d.Now enter your Registered Grievance ID or Mobile Number. e.Now you can get full details about your registered grievance. 2.By Our Web portal – a.Go to our official web portal. b.Click Submit complain button. c.Click on Complaint Status Click. d.Now enter your Registered Grievance ID or Mobile Number. e.Now you can get full details about your registered grievance. 3.By make a call to our Help desk Centre. a.Make a call on our toll free number 18003456179. b.Provide your Registration ID or Mobile Number to our Help desk executive. c.Now they will provide you executed information about your registered complaints.
Q. How to change language of web portal contents?
Ans. - Visit web portal, at the right top corner, select your language either Hindi or English.
Q. How to change web portal colour?
Ans. Visit web portal, at right top corner, select your desired colour icon.
Q. How to increase and decreases the font size of web portal?
Ans. - Visit web portal, at right top corner, select font size indicated as “A/A+/A++”.
Q. How to download user manual for web portal and complaint submission?
Ans. - Visit web portal, at bottom panel, click on following link.. • User manual for Web Portal. • User manual for Grievance from Web portal. • User manual for Grievance from Mobile App.

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