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Search By Date(dd-mmm-yyyy)/LetterNo/AllotmentGroup/HeadName:

SL.No.DateLetter NoAllotment GroupHead NameParticulars
1 21-Feb-2025 168 WE ALLOTMENTS PMGSY Allotment Under Head PMGSY Programme Fund Account (Central Share) | Letter No-168 WE
2 21-Feb-2025 170 WE SCHEMES MMGSY Allotment of Fund for Mukhya Mantri Gram Sampark Yojna - Administrative Expenses under Ledger Id - 11803 through CFMS. | Letter No- 170 WE
3 07-Feb-2025 167 WE ALLOTMENTS PMGSY Allotment Under Head PMGSY Programme Fund Account ( Central Share) | Letter No-167 WE
4 04-Feb-2025 164 WE SCHEMES MMGSY Revised List of Authorized Signatory for operation of A/C No- 040401010540 of Bihar Rural Roads Development Agency Patna (Program Fund Contingent Account for Mukhya Mantri Gram Sampark Yojna ) |Letter No-164 WE
5 31-Jan-2025 162WE ALLOTMENTS PMGSY Allotment Under Head PMGSY Programme Fund Account (Central Share) | Letter No-162 WE
6 31-Jan-2025 163 WE SCHEMES MMGSY Allotment of Fund for Mukhya Mantri Gram Sampark Yojna - Administrative Expenses under Ledger ID- 11803 through CFMS. | Letter No- 163 WE
7 28-Jan-2025 159 WE ALLOTMENTS PMGSY Allotment Under Head PMGSY Administrative fund account | Letter No-159 WE
8 28-Jan-2025 160 WE ALLOTMENTS PMGSY Allotment Under Head PMGSY Programme Fund Account (Central Share) | Letter No-160 WE
9 23-Jan-2025 158 WE ALLOTMENTS PMGSY Allotment Under Head PMGSY Programme Fund Account (State Share) | Letter No-158 WE
10 22-Jan-2025 156 WE ALLOTMENTS PMGSY Allotment Under Head PMGSY Programme Fund Account (Central Share) | Letter No-156 WE

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