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Row NumberCell NameEmployee NameDesignationMobile NumberEmailID
1Ministers CellSri Ashok ChoudharyHonble
2Office of Engineer In ChiefSri Bhagwat RamEngineer in Chief
3Office of Engineer In ChiefSri Fateh FaiyazJoint Secretary
4Office of Engineer In ChiefSri Anil Kumar SinhaJoint Secretary
5Secretary CellSri Dipak Kumar Singh, I.A.S.Additional Chief Secretary0612-2547191/
6Office of Engineer In ChiefSri Ujjwal Kumar Singh, IASSpecial Secretary
7Secretary CellSri Ashok KumarPrivate Secretary to Secretary 8986915194 
8Secretary CellSri Nandlal ChaudharyPrinciple Personal Secretary8986915732 
9Office of Engineer In ChiefSri Shatrudhan Prasad (Add.)Chief
10Office of Engineer In ChiefSri Shatrudhan PrasadChief
11Office of Engineer In ChiefSri SriprakashChief
12Office of Engineer In ChiefSri Nirmal KumarChief
13Secretary CellSmt. Neha RaniIT Manager

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